Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31 - Lainey's 9 Month Well-Child Check

See my two teeth?

I'm going to crawl away mom!

This is my nose!

Just showing off our flip-flop dress that we wore today. Alaina got a lot of compliments on it so I had to take some pictures. :o) Today was Alaina's 9 Month Well-Child check up. NO SHOTS at a 9 Month Appointment! Yae!! Alaina is doing great! Her ears look great and developmentally she appears to be right on track if not slightly ahead. Size wise, her weight is only in the 10th percentile but she is a healthy little baby only weighing in at 16 lbs 5 oz!
When we got home from the Dr Alaina took a little nap and then it was time to have some dinner. We got the go ahead for table food so she had a couple bites of pizza tonight!! (just the soft part of the crust and a little sauce and cheese.) She seemed to really like it!
After dinner Daddy and I took Alaina and Duncan for a walk in the park. It was a nice night although it looks like some rain is going to be moving in over night. Hopefully it is all gone by tomorrow so we can go for another walk and maybe swing a little!

July 30 - Just Cookin' in my Kitchen

Crawling from the sink to the fridge

I love my kitchen set!!

Not much happened today. Mommy and Daddy went to work and Alaina went to daycare. When we got home we all had some dinner. Alaina started eating some gerber graduates food this week. Nothing big, just gerbers idea of a nasty cheeto (where is all the powdered cheese?!?! Ha ha!) and these little cherry star things that melt in your mouth. Those aren't half bad. After dinner Lainey had a bath and we put her in her jammies. She wasn't quite ready for bed so she decided to cook Daddy and me up a little snack in her kitchen. I thought I would share some pics. :o) She is a pretty cute little chef!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

July 28 - Alaina's Surgery

Today was Alaina's surgery to put her tubes in. We had to be at the hospital at 5:30AM!! That is early in our house... They checked her in and took us back to her room. Once there we did some paperwork and they gave Alaina a little Demerol cocktail. They said it would take about a half an hour to kick in and we could take her down to the playroom until she got sleepy.
Alaina and Daddy in the hospital room
Alaina in the Playroom
We played down in the playroom with some toys for about 25 minutes and then we noticed that Alaina was no longer playing, just sitting on my lap and watching us play with her toys. We decided she might be getting sleepy so we took her back to the room. I snuggled her up in her blanket with her binky and she was out withing about 30 seconds.
The nurse and different Dr's came in and out to talk to us and they came to get her about 7:30. It was hard to hand her over!! They took her away and within about 12 minutes the Dr was back in the room letting us know everything went great. Alaina was in recovery about 15 minutes and then the nurse came walking in with her fully awake and happily playing with a toy they had given her to keep.

Alaina with Mommy after surgery

Alaina happy that the surgery is over (maybe still a little doped up...)

We took Alaina home and she slept about two and half hours and once she was awake she was her normal self. She wanted to get down and play and crawl around.

We are so happy everything went well and are hoping and praying that this will take care of our ear infection troubles!!

Catching Up

Wow! How time flies!! Our computer had to be sent back in again to get everything corrected. They found out that it wasn't just the hard drive that was bad but the motherboard as well. So of course, sending us back with a correct hard drive didn't fix the issue. Agh! Anyway, we got it all fixed and finally got our computer back but then it was the task of catching up on the blog and we were dealing with a lot of Dr Appointments for Alaina and time just got out of hand!!
So, now, it is time to catch up and try to get started again. I can't promise I will keep up everyday. While I take a million pictures, getting in any amount of time at all to sit down at the computer and type out a blog with a 9 month old is slim to none. Ha ha! She is so active now but we are really loving it!

May 23 - Alaina attended Marcus's graduation party (Aunt Ashley's boyfriend) and we all said CONGRATULATIONS MARCUS!!!

May 24 - We took pictures at Great Aunt Michelle's house in Great Grammy's baby buggy. They were beautiful!! Aunt Michelle even entered on into the fair! Good luck Aunt Michelle!

May 28 - Alaina turned seven months old!!

May 29 - Alaina's Dr Appointment at 3:30. We have ear infection in both ears, again, and the Dr prescribed Amoxicillen

June 4 - Our friend Dot came over for dinner and spent some time with Alaina because she is going to be watching her Saturday during the volleyball tournament.

June 6 - Volleyball tournament for mommy's work. Mommy and Daddy's team got 2nd place!! It was a loooooong day but Alaina was very good for Dot and they had a great time together!!

June 7 - Grandpa Norman and Grandma Jolene came out to visit. We went to Cabela's and went shopping and then had lunch at Red Robin! Yummy!

June 8 - 11 Daddy was in Colorado Springs. Alaina and Mommy went shopping on June 9 for Daddy's first fathers day. We picked out a Tungsten Carbide bracelet that is like his wedding ring!

June 12 - Alaina's Dr Appointment at 2:00. The left ear is still infected so the Dr prescribed Omnicef.

June 13 - We went to Grandpa Norman's family reunion at the lake! It was good to see some extended family that we don't see very often!

June 14 - Alaina went to church with Great Grandpa Wayne for Flag Day! She was sooo excited to see her cousins Aiden, Meghan and Calyn!!

June 15 - Daddy bought Alaina her first basketball hoop. We are in training for the WNBA!!

June 17 - Attended Daddy's softball game (Game #2)

June 21 - FATHERS DAY! Alaina gave daddy his bracelet and he LOVED it. Then we went to the zoo for the morning. Alaina loved looking at all the animals. She especially enjoyed the baby sea lion who was only a few weeks old!

June 23 & 24 - Alaina stayed home from daycare with high fevers. Mommy stayed home the first day and daddy stayed home the second.

June 25 - Alaina's Dr Appointment at 8:30 AM. The right ear is now infected again so the Dr prescribed Suprax. Suggested we check again in 14 days and then discuss seeing an ENT about getting tubes.

June 28 - Alaina turned eight months old and we bought her a baby pool to play with in our yard.

July 2 - Alaina got her first tooth!! Front, bottom, left!

July 3 - Alaina's first time swimming in Grammy and Papaw's pool! (Pictured with Aunt Ashley)

July 4 - Alaina's first 4th of July! We celebrated with dinner at Papaw and Grammy's house with lots of family and fireworks at Grandpa and Grandma's house. What a fun day!

June 5 - Grandma Jolene's family reunion. We got to see/meet more extended family!

July 6 - Alaina "army" crawled for the first time. Uh oh! We are on the move!! Alaina also played in her baby pool for the first time!

July 10 - Alaina's Dr Appointment at 9:30 AM. The right ear is still infected so we were referred to the ENT for tubes.

July 15 - Alaina's Dr Appointment with the ENT at 8:30 AM. We are definitely getting tubes. Alaina failed her hearing test in the right ear and there is still a lot of fluid built up. Got a shot in each leg of Rocephin to try and help clear it up.

Alaina also started "spitting" with her tongue today. Daddy thinks it is HILARIOUS!!

July 19 - Papaw and Uncle Chad's Birthday!!!

July 21 - Alaina taught the other babies at daycare around her age how to "spit" as well. Naughty Alaina!! ;o)

July 25 - Alaina sat up on her own for the first time while she was at home with Daddy for the evening.

July 26 - Alaina sat up for the first time for Mommy!! :o)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21 - Cutie!!

Today was a loooooong day. I think the weeks right before a long weekend are always crazy and they seem to draaaag on. I was so happy when it was time to go get Lainey and go home! When we got home we did our normal routine of letting Duncan out and feeding him and then Lainey played in her jumper for a little bit but then she was ready for her late afternoon nap. I decided to lie down on the couch with her and watch a little TV while she napped, however, Mommy ended up taking a nap too! I vaguely remember hearing Teddy come home from work but he just went outside to do some yard work and let us nap. I was a little afraid it would affect Alaina going to bed tonight, however, no problem with that. She went to bed a little later than usual, but, not much and there was no crying! In between her nap and bedtime she ate some chicken and noodles again and chowed down half a jar of Hawaiian Delight. Then it was playtime in our jammies!! She was being sweet so I had to take some pictures of her. The jammies say it all! She is my "cutie" little Lainey Bug!

Sitting with my Daddy!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 20 - Daddy's Softball Game

Tonight we went to Daddy's softball game and it was a lot of fun! Alaina loved the action and she was a little ham for those sitting around us. I think the funniest part was when Teddy got up to bat and she started "talking" to him with her little "ooo's and ahh's" and kicked her legs. I think she would have took right off for him if she could have! It was quite funny. When we got home Alaina had her first baby food form of Chicken and Noodles and she REALLY enjoyed that. It was met with a lot of "mmm's." After she ate I had to make a veggie pizza to take to work for food day tomorrow and then I got Alaina ready for bed. Now, it is 10:30 and I need to be going to bed too! Good night everyone! :o)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Listen to Your Mother!!

Sometimes mom's just have good advice, for instance, the never leave the house without clean underwear advice. I can't say as my mother ever personally imparted this wisdom to me but it is something you just always hear. Where am I going with this? story doesn't have so much to do with the clean part as it is about the thinking about what you wear.

Today as I was getting ready for work I decided to wear a new outfit I bought over the weekend, a cute new skirt and shirt with my black and white heels. As I was getting ready I looked in my underwear drawer and much to my dismay, I had only a few pairs swimming around in there. We were late getting all of our laundry done this week and some of mine was still in the laundry basket waiting to be folded and put away, downstairs. So, my choices were few. I finally decided on a mostly white pair with Miss Piggy on the front. Miss Piggy?!? Why do I have Miss Piggy underwear? mom got them for me from Wal-Mart as kind of a joke. (In case you are wondering I also have some care bear ones.) They seemed like the logical choice since they were mostly white and it wasn't like anyone was going to be seeing my underwear today anyway, right??
So, I got dressed and off to work I go. I decided to wear my sandals in to work and not mess with the heels until I got to my desk. It is a decent walk from my car to the building. Once safely at my desk I dawned the heels and it was a great morning. Everyone loved my outfit and thought my shoes were great, etc. I was feeling pretty good. :o) So, this afternoon it is time for me to go down to the mom's room and pump. I work on the 3rd floor and the mom's room is on the first floor. I had taken the stairs two other times today with no problems and I decided to just take them again. So off I go and as I round the corner going down from the 2nd floor I see someone else coming up. Apparently, it doesn't take long to lose your concentration in heels. I wish I could verbally re-enact this scene for you but you will just have to use your imagination. My foot got too close to the edge of the next step down and slipped off, my heel caught on the edge but my other foot was loose, and thankfully I was holding on to the railing. I flailed for the railing with my other arm as my other foot shot out from under me and I *gracefully* slid my booty down about 4 steps. Mind you, I am in a skirt. Needless to say, the skirt didn't stay down, and, thank goodness, it was another woman coming up. So there I was, hanging on to the railing and basically laid out on the stairs with my skirt up around my waist for the most part. And, there is Miss Piggy. I can't say for sure that she saw Miss Piggy, but, I am pretty sure she did. Thankfully, the writing was probably too small to read where underneath Miss Piggy it says "No Pictures Please." Seriously...could I make this up?? Of course, I quickly rammed my skirt down as far as possible and scrambled to my feet (as best as you can in heels!) She asked if I was okay and I managed to say I was fine and thank you for asking as I *carefully* continued on my way down the stairs. I guess she had a great story to tell when she got back to her desk about the girl sliding down the stairs in her Miss Piggy underwear. Geesh... I will spare you the picture of Miss Piggy but here is the outfit. Darn you heels!!

Alaina got a lot of compliments on her outfit today as well. I got her this at Gymboree this weekend. Awww - my little Lainey Bug!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

WE'RE BACK!!!!! *Do I hear cheering??*

So, we are finally back in business!! April was a crazy month and I decided instead of trying to go back and catch up on like, 6 weeks of missed days I would just do one big "Catch Up" post and go from here. I have had a lot of "When are you going to go back to blogging?" questions and multiple requests from a certain Grammy to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post some new pictures of Lainey.
So some reasons for my absence, sadly we lost Teddy's grandma in early April. That was busy and hectic week and a half and that Monday when we were back home, my computer COMPLETELY crashed. Thank God I had just backed up all my pictures on my external hard drive or that could have been disastrous. Anyway, we got this fun little netbook to keep up on the Internet, however, none of my camera programs or anything were on it so it wasn't conducive to blogging, plus, it was a 10 inch screen!!! Who can look at that?? Anyway, it took until not quite two weeks ago to get the computer back and then it was just hard getting back, but, I am back now. *Let the cheering commence!*
So, here is a synopsis of our time away:

April 1 - Alaina's first real laugh. Not just a giggle - and all out laugh and we have it on video!! We even called Grammy so she could hear!! :o)
April 4 - Daddy left for Las Vegas for the National Bowling Tournament. Mommy stayed home with Lainey and we had some fun girl time.

April 7 - Daddy came home from Vegas and brought Lainey Penelope the Pink Puppy from FAO Schwartz toy store. It is a BIG pink puppy and it would not fit in his suitcase so he had to carry the pink puppy through the airports and on the plane! Awww - what a sweet daddy!

April 8 - Grandma "Bobbie" Graham passed away today. We are all very sad.
April 10 - We traveled back home for Easter and the funeral.

April 11 - Family dinner at Papaw and Grammy's house for Easter.

April 12 - Alaina's first Easter!! Daddy, Mommy and Lainey went to church with Grammy and Papaw and then went with Grandma and Grandpa Hutchinson up to Grandpa Graham's house for Easter Dinner with him.

April 13 - Lainey and Mommy spent the afternoon at Grandpa Graham's house getting pictures together. Spent the evening with Papaw, Grammy and Aiden, Meghan and Calyn while Aunt Michelle went to her school board meeting.
April 14 - Lainey spent the day with Grammy and Mommy. Mommy got a haircut and then we went SHOPPING!!! Girls afternoon!!
Grandma Graham's visitation 6:00 - 8:00

April 15 - Grandma Graham's funeral at 10:00 am. Went to Grandpa Graham's for lunch and then headed back home.

April 17 - Papaw and Grammy came out to visit!!

April 18 - Installed new microwave!! Mommy has more counter space! Went shopping at Carter's outlet with Mommy and Grammy while Papaw went to Cabela's. Lainey also tried peaches today and loved them!

April 22 - Visited Daddy at bowling because it was the last night.

April 24 - Mom and Dad bought a netbook because they couldn't live without the Internet!! We miss our computer!!

April 25 - Went to Dinner with our friend Dot. Alaina was very good and hamming it up at the restaurant!

April 26 - Alaina slept ALL NIGHT in her big girl crib for the FIRST TIME. (It was harder on Mommy than it was Alaina!!)
We also tried formula for the first time today. Alaina needs to gain some weight so we are going to supplement with 2 bottles of formula a day.

April 28 - Alaina turned 6 MONTHS OLD!!!

April 30 - Mommy and Daddy bought Alaina her first Kitchen Set. Fisher Price Kitchen Set made for babies.
May 1 - Alaina's 6 month Well-Child Check and shots. Alaina is only 13 lbs and 12 oz!! Long skinny girl! Bumping her up to baby food 3 times a day and continue with formula twice a day.

May 2 - Alaina rolled over 100% - back to stomach to back. She rolled from her floor gym to her kitchen set... Hmmm - somebody wants to play??

May 4 - First Stage 2 food - Peach Cobbler - Alaina LOVED it.

May 10 - Mommy's first Mothers Day! Lainey and Daddy gave mommy a heart shaped opal (Lainey's Birthstone) pendant and they got me a French silk pie and some beautiful cards!

May 12 - Alaina's first babysitter! My friend Jen from work watched Lainey while Mommy and Daddy went to the Billy Joel and Elton John Concert which was AWESOME! Lainey was very good and went right to bed for Jen.

May 15 - Went shopping with Mommy and Grammy at Baby Gap and Gymboree at Jordan Creek. Went to dinner that night with Mike and Kathleen, Joan V, Tom and Joan A. Adam G. and Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Amanda at The Machine Shed.

May 16 - Eric & Sarah's wedding. Lainey didn't go to the wedding but she went to the reception!!

May 17 - Back home to Omaha

May 18 - IS TODAY!!! WE ARE CAUGHT UP!!! Today is Grammy's birthday and we just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRAMMY!! WE LOVE YOU!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

March 28 - Mmmm! Sweet Potatoes at 5 Months Old!!

Lainey seemed to feel a little better today, which was nice, because she is 5 months old today!! She slept well last night and woke up this morning to eat around 5:15 (normal time during the week) and then not again until almost 8:00!! Wow!! So we got up and went downstairs and spent some time watching cartoons. After Lainey went down for her morning nap, mommy got the kitchen cleaned up and got some lunch together. In the afternoon I did some more work around the house and just spent some time with little Lainey bug.

By the time we got to evening Lainey was happy and Daddy decided we would go have an early dinner out somewhere for fun. So we went to one of our favorite Italian places and it was DELICIOUS! Alaina ended up falling asleep about 10 minutes in and slept until we were carrying her out. We stopped at Wal Mart on the way home to pick up a few things INCLUDING a pink swing to hang in our backyard for Lainey to have this summer! Yae! Anyway, when we got home it was time for dinner and it was time to sample our new food, sweet potatoes!! Now, with the carrots we just made faces. The sweet potatoes we just expelled all together. We even got really good at hiding it in our cheek and then spewing it as mommy went to get another spoon full of food. Anyway, this is what you get. A sweet potato monster who got a bath!!

See it under my chin mom!?!

Ha ha ha! I spit it out!!

Sorry Lord...I don't like sweet potatoes...

All Clean!!

March 27 - Bad News Ears...

Here we go again! I guess the crankiness had a source and the source was a double ear infection. We went to the Dr. this afternoon at 3:30 and they confirmed that Lainey has ear infection again, and this time, it is in both ears. So, here is our good friend Mr. Amoxicillin. We started it tonight, but, obviously it is going to take some time for it to work. We spent most of the evening cuddling and reading books and Lainey and I went to bed early! Maybe Saturday will be better!

March 26 - Cranky

Lainey was kind of cranky tonight. It all started this morning when she woke up and was not in the greatest of moods. We thought maybe she was still hungry so I fed her again and she went right to sleep and I was off to work. Well, when I went to pick her up from daycare she was crying and they said she had not had a good afternoon and they were not sure what was wrong. I decided we needed to make a Dr. Appointment as the past two times this has happened, it has been an ear infection. Appointments is tomorrow at 3:30. So tonight we had a "mommy" night and we spent most of the evening in our jammies hanging out together. This is when we were hanging out on the couch on our boppy after we ate. Overall it was a lazy at home evening with the family, which sometimes, those are the best. :o)

March 25 - A Lonely Little Daffodil...

So today when I got home from work I noticed something "bright" in my drab, dead, brown garden. One lonely little daffodil decided to make an early appearance. Poor thing! I hope it survives this cooler weather! It is beautiful and reminds me that spring is not too far off and it won't be long until everything is green and new again! Hooray! Thank you Lord for new life!
Tonight, Alaina and I went to visit dad at bowling so he could "show off his baby" to all of his bowling friends. Lainey was very good, as usual, and got a LOT of attention, especially from some of the wives of the guys on Teddy's team. We left around 7:45 to go home so Lainey could eat her cereal and carrots (they are growing on her! We don't cry when we eat them now...) and get ready for bed. Daddy was sad that by the time he got home Lainey was FAST asleep in her bed. See you in the morning Daddy! Goodnight!

March 24 - Jump Jump Jump!!!

Yae! We can touch the floor now! Mommy had to do some work around the house this evening so Lainey played in her jumper. As you can see, there are plenty of things to entertain her! :o) We haven't quite got the "jumping" down but we do bounce around a little on our tippy tip toes!! She had a lot of fun making the "piano" play music and spinning the frog. It was a fun night!!

March 23 - Mmmmm - Carrots

Tonight we tried our first baby food. The cereal has been going really well and it was time to introduce something new. The book said to start with "orange" food. Now, I don't do everything the baby book tells me too, but, when you are a first time parent and standing there in the baby food aisle looking at the 8 zillion jars of different brands, stages, etc... You want someone to tell you what to buy!!! So, it said start with orange so I bought carrots, sweet potatoes and squash. Apparently you start with the veggies, orange veggies and Carrots are the most bland of the orange. So, tonight we tried some carrots... They weren't a huge hit, but, perhaps carrots are an acquired taste? ;o) See for yourself and sorry the quality may not be that high. I recorded the experience so these are still frames from that!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

March 22 - A Long Weekend Over

Today was another busy day and by the time we got back to Nebraska, Alaina was very tired. She fell asleep in the swing holding her puppy that she had been playing with.
This morning we went to church again with Grammy and Papaw. Uncle Chad and Aunt Ashley were there too! (Daddy was still at his bowling tournament) Grammy was really excited to have her whole family there for the first time in...well, a long time. Probably years. After church we went back to Grammy and Papaw's house and had lunch and Aunt Ashley had to pack to go back to school. Papaw and Marcus were taking her back. Grammy stayed behind with Lainey and me. After lunch Lainey was getting tired so we laid down on the couch so Lainey could nurse and we both fell asleep! We had a nice nap and Grammy managed to get some of the work around the house done that she had been wanting to do! Daddy didn't get to Grammy's house until after 5:00!! We didn't get on the road until about 5:30 so we were late getting back to Nebraska. We basically unloaded our car, did a couple loads of laundry and got ready everything we needed for the week. Time to start all over again!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 21 - A VERY BUSY DAY!!!

Teddy was up and out of the house by 6:45 this morning to drive to Ames and meet his friend Darrin to drive to the bowling tournament. Alaina had woken up to eat so we got to say goodbye to Daddy before he left. Then we went back to sleep for a little bit but we had to get up and moving to get ready to go to my friend Jen's house by 11:00. We ate a little lunch with my friends and talked but I had to leave by 12:15 to meet my parents so we could all drive to the family reunion on my Dad's side. We made it there by about 12:45 and had some lunch and lots of conversation. Everyone got to meet Alaina, and, as usual, she was a hit. ;o) Ha ha! She got lots and lots of attention and was very good. Then it was off to Jory and Michelle's house for Aiden's birthday party by 4:00. If you read my aunt Michelle's blog then you are going to see some similar pictures on my blog because these were taken on my dad's camera.
Calyn was soooo excited to see Alaina. She immediately wanted to hold her and Michelle told her she had to be sitting down so what does she do? Runs and kicks her dad out of the rocking chair, grabs a pillow off the couch and jumps up in the chair and pats her arm like "I'm ready for that baby!" What a cute picture! :o)
We had so much fun at Aiden's birthday party but by the time I loaded the little lady up in the car to take Aunt GG home, she was worn out... I felt sorry for Aunt GG because Alaina screamed all the way to town. That is what happens when you just cat nap all day little lady! After dropping Aunt GG off and getting her in the house I managed to get her a little calmed down before we headed back out of town to pick up Duncan. Thankfully, by the time we got out of town a ways, she had finally given in and dropped off to sleep. Poor little Lainey! We picked up our Duncan dog who had been at his other grandparents all day playing with their dog and went home. Alaina had some cereal and it was time for bed!! For BOTH of us!!

March 20 - Back in Town for the Weekend!!

Sadly, after I packed my camera, I could not find it when we got home Friday night. (Little did I know that Teddy hid it from me!!! {Accidentally}) So I am using a photo from last night because Alaina is REALLY enjoying her rice cereal and when we finally got home on Friday night she acted like she was STARVING. You can ask my mom and dad. She was "Whaa-ing" between bites because I couldn't shovel it in to her mouth fast enough. She sure loves it!Tonight when we got back we met Teddy's parents and went to dinner because they wanted to spend some time with Alaina and Teddy will be out of town the rest of the weekend at the Bowling Tournament. We had a good time and I was able to give Teddy's mom Alaina's St Patrick's pictures and a 4-leaf clover I made for her and my mom from Alaina's foot and handprints. It was so cute. I had to make myself one too of course. I wish I could say I had pictures of that like I did for the Valentine footprint-butterflies, but, my hands were too covered in green paint, and my entire baby, to mess with the camera. Although, I do wish, I had a picture of the lovely smeared green handprint on my left hoo-ha. That was really precious. I was sad to wash it off. ;o) Ha ha ha! Anyway, after having dinner with Teddy's parents, we went back to my parents because a VERY anxious aunt Ashley was waiting to see Miss Alaina! We really just fed Alaina, she got held a little bit, and then we went to bed!!

March 19 - Packin Up!!

Duncan is BORED because pretty much all we did tonight was get ready to leave to go home tomorrow. Teddy and I are both going to get off work early so we can be back in good time for the BUSY weekend ahead of us. We had to get all of Alaina's things packed which, if you have kids, you know takes A LOT of time and organization. Now that she is eating cereal you have to think about all that, the diapers, the clothes, the bottles and pump...the list goes on and on. Then I have to turn around and pack myself! Whew! Lot's of work, but, we got it all done! :o) We are ready for our big weekend!! Are you Duncan??

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 18 - A Stupid Mommy with Good Intentions...

So, today was an ok day. Work went by pretty quickly and then I was out the door to get Alaina. She was in a great mood when I got there because she ate FOUR bottles again today. Time to start the cereal twice a day! Since she was so happy, I decided we would just run straight to Toys R Us and Babies R Us. We needed to pick up a birthday present for Mr. Aiden Hunderdosse! ;o) And, we needed a few more things too. At Babies R Us I picked up a baby food organizer. Basically, a glorified lazy susan for baby food, but, I think it will help with the organizing! We also got some cereal to take to daycare and a few other small items including, some cool new teething rings. I don't think the teeth are quite here yet but she likes to chew on the coolness of the teething ring anyway and we only have a couple. So, I got one that looks like keys and one that had Winnie the Pooh characters on it. So, by this time, Alaina is getting sleepy and I decide to head out. So we get home and I start to unpack our purchases. I put Alaina's name on her cereal and grab some bibs out of the drawer to put in the diaper bag for day care. Take out the baby food organizer and put it together and then I get to the teething rings. I took the little tags off of them and opened them up and decided I better clean them before giving them to my baby to put in her mouth. *Note: This is the mommy with good intentions part. The stupid mommy part is coming. So, I decide the best way to clean them is to SANITIZE them. Seems like a great idea. So I plop them in the microwave sanitizer and set the time and walk away. I know that you know what happened by now. I am in the future now also! So I open up the sanitizer and it is a gel-melted-ooey-gooey MESS in my sanitizer. APPARENTLY, teething rings should not be warmed up a.k.a. "cooked." Only, Frozen. Yeah, that's right. That train only goes one way down the track people. Ugh. RUINED RUINED RUINED brand new teething rings. Of course, Teddy is mad, although Mr. Enginerd wasn't jumping in STOPPING me from throwing them in the sanitizer! Ugh! So isn't like it was expensive. It was maybe $10.00 in teething rings. And they can be replaced, but, now I know. You live and you learn, right? Especially as a first time parent. Next time I know to READ THE PACKAGING before just tossing it in the sanitizer. So, here are the keys...
You can see the huge plastic bubble on the blue key where the plastic bubbled up and let the gel spew out. All the keys are stuck together now. And, the gel was all over the place. That was FUN to clean up. Thankfully, we know it melts when it gets hot so when it started getting hard, I just stuck it BACK in the microwave. So...couldn't let Lainey chew on those! In the trash they went. Another day, another lesson learned. Thank you life! :o)

About Me

My photo
Nebraska, United States
I live in Nebraska with my husband Teddy, daughter Alaina, son Nolan and boxer Duncan. I'm a full time mommy with a full time job and I wouldn't change a thing!