Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Daylight Savings Time is Ridiculous...and also, Ponytails!

So...been longer then I wanted it to be, but, hey, just have to accept that is life with a toddler. There just isn't always a free 30+ minutes to sit down and blog like I would LIKE to do. Maybe when the kids are older! ;) This past weekend we "sprung ahead" for spring and this has COMPLETELY thrown off Alaina's schedule which, in turn, COMPLETELY throws off my schedule. The past two nights she has gone to sleep at almost 11:00!! This morning she was so tired that she was falling asleep on the potty! Thankfully she took a 2.5 hour nap at daycare so she wasn't a sour puss all night! Is it wrong to let her sing her "hop hop hop" song for 20 minutes as she jumped around the kitchen because I secretly hoped it would wear her out?? Yeah well, it didn't work. As I sit here writing this up at 9:46 PM I can still hear her talking in her room...

Alaina's hair has just recently got to the point where you can get it into a full pony tail without part of the sides falling down! I love it because I like to see her sweet little face and ears and neck and it is just something different for her! Poor kid, with that cowlick in the front, there is no way she can have a "normal" hair-do. Maybe it will get better as she gets older...

*Sweet Profile Pic*
All Smiles for Mommy!
Alaina loves to play with her babies so we have bought her a few things for her dolls to get her used to the new baby that is going to be around in about 5 more months... One thing I got her was a bath set and she has really enjoyed it. We give the babies a bath and then we put them on the changing pad and diaper them and get them ready for bed. She takes the job pretty seriously!

Baby in the Bath Tub

"See the Ducky Baby???"

Drying off baby after the bath

Lifting baby to put the diaper under her bum

Baby needed a little diaper cream!

There ya go baby! All clean!

We have a lot of fun with our baby dolls! It is really good training for her but at the same time I don't want her to think that when baby comes it's an open invitation for her to just take care of the baby!
Well...it's 10:00 and I still hear a toddler talking in her room, so, pretty sure I should go check on that. When do kids usually get used to the time change? About 2 weeks before we fall back?? Yeah...that sounds about right...

Thursday, March 03, 2011

A New Start!

Yeah...I am still here... Been about, oh, 9 months since I last posted. It seems like whenever we get to summer it just all goes downhill! However, I haven't stopped writing or sharing. I frequently update my facebook family and friends of my daily happenings, struggles with motherhood, and all around witty quips about life (whether it be my life or theirs)!
Anyway, today I went to the Omaha Young Professionals summit and one of the speakers at the summit was Wendy Townley. I first learned of Wendy when she was on the Pat and JT morning show promoting her book "Nerdy Thirty." Being almost thirty myself at the time, it peaked my interest and she was quite intriguing. She is an avid blog writer and I love to read her work. We appear to have similar senses of humor! (Scary...I know! There may be more people like ME out there...) Anyway, today she spoke on "Sharing the Story, Spreading the Love: How Smart Social Media Marketing Net Followers, Fans and Friends." It was an extremely intriguing session and funny enough, as I sat there, hundreds of missed blog entries ran through my head! I LOVE to write. I always have! I love to tell people a "story" and I want them to feel like they were there! And while I love facebook, they limit what I can say... I suppose I could post and then comment, comment, comment after my post to get it all in, but...this just seems so much easier! ;) So, I plan to be better. No promises. I am the mom of a toddler and in an increasingly short time, the mom of two! Eeeeek! It's scary and exciting!
The second pregnancy is so much different... Why? Well let's see...when I was pregnant with Alaina I would come home form work, sleep for about an hour and half, get up and make dinner and do a few things, shower and go back to bed. Ahhhhh...that was the life! This time around, yeah, NO NAPS! When I get home I have a toddler who just got stuffed full of some sugary snack running around looking for her favorite toys, asking for yet another snack and wanting to watch NEMO NOW!! And after getting her settled down it's time to make dinner, eat, then it's bath time and don't even get me started on bed time. Let's just say, once you transfer to the toddler bed, there is no such thing as containment!
At least I know I am not alone, I like to follow the "Momaha" Blogs at blogs.momaha.com
There are other moms out there with similar issues who may not be in my exact position, but, maybe they have been somewhere similar and it's good preparation for what we may face in the future...
The "Testing Twos" are where we are now! I don't like to say "Terrible Two's" because she is not terrible at all! But, she is very much into testing...MY PATIENCE! We have adopted something akin to the "Super Nanny" strategy of a warning, counting, then time out. MOST of the time this works well. "Alaina, if you don't put the baby wipes back, you will sit in time out." *She looks at you* "Alaina, put the baby wipes back now. ONE!" *She feigns some interest in the number one but gives you the stare down to see if you look serious* "TWO!" *One more look and then she slowly inches toward the objective of putting the baby wipes back* "If I get to three, you go to time out!" *Ok, she's serious - chucks the baby wipes back in the the diaper caddy* This is the normal progression, however, sometimes she gets gutsy and tests me to numero tres and I have to make her sit on the step for two minutes. This two minutes is normally comprised of about 30 seconds of crying, a minute of bottom lip sticking out, and the remaining 30 seconds filled with her seeing how far she can scoot off the step, without actually LEAVING the step. See...testing.
She also tests your memory. Her daddy gave her two cookies yesterday for snack. She finished them, and said, cookies? Daddy said, no more cookies, you just had two cookies. Alaina responded, snack? No, Alaina, you just had two cookies and that was your snack. This continued for a bit and I believe, knowing that he was not going to surrender, she decided to "test" the diversion tactic as she leaned in and extended her tiny fingers toward him while giggling "TICKLE TICKLE!!!" Teddy laughed at her attempt but had to stop when her response was "Cookies?" Nice try small fry!
Speaking of testing, mommy and daddy are conducting a "test" of their own tonight with door knob covers. So far, so good, at least for us. I told Alaina good night and shut her door and she was immediately out of bed and at the door. I listened to her spin and spin and spin the knob cover to no avail and when she realized after about the, seventh attempt, that it was not going to work...she was quite mad! As I sit here, I have listened to her test it a few more times. Still no luck on that one! Those door knob covers are a miracle! At least for keeping her IN her room... Now if only there was a magic product at Babies R Us that could make them just lie down and go to sleep!

Friday, June 18, 2010

End of May...

More pictures to finish out May! I have been so behind in my blogging...

Playing in my new sprinkler with Mommy and Aunt Ashley

Duncan drank the water...
So I thought I would try it too!
Watering flowers again, but this time with Great Grandpa!
This is how you give a wagon ride!!
My dress got wet, so I am playing in just my cowgirl boots!
Great Papaw and Grammy :)
First Fishing Trip with Papaw Alan!!
Everyone is in the boat!
Sitting on the tackle box by Grammy
Sitting on my Grammy's lap
It's hot! Did we catch anything yet?? That's my princess fishing pole!

Helping my Grammy is Serious Business!!

When we visited Grammy's house at the end of May Alaina was presented with her very own watering can complete with lady bug stickers on it to help Grammy water her flowers. She took this job QUITE seriously and we had to make sure we watered EVERY pot!!

After all our hard work we deserved to spend a little time swinging at sunset!!

Spring Time Fun!!

Just wanted to post some random pictures from this spring that we took. Alaina loved being around all the blooming flowers this year!

I just love the curls at the back of her neck...

Swimming Class - Lainey's a "Shrimp"

This spring we enrolled Alaina in swimming at the "Y" and she absolutely loved it!! The class was six weeks long and we made sure we didn't miss once! It was fun to see how different kids acted. My child responded fearlessly which caused some fear in her mother!! I have no doubt she would jump in the deep end without a second thought! Going to have to keep my eye on this one! ;)

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Alaina's new Sand Box!!

This weekend Grandpa and Grandma Hutchinson came out to visit and to buy Alaina a sandbox for the yard. We went out and got it at lunch time and put it together while Alaina was napping so when she woke up she had a BIG surprise waiting!
Trying out the attached picnic table

Playing in the sand
This is FUN!!
And this is the table... Here Duncan, try some of my sand dessert! Ewww! He ate that?!?!

Time out for a slide

Grandma is teaching me to shovel
Playing with my new toys! So much fun!

Lainey's First Ball Game!! Mariners vs. Royals in Kansas City!

April 28th we took Alaina to her first baseball game in Kansas City to watch the Seattle Mariners (Uncle Chad's favorite team) vs. The Kansas City Royals. Kansas City has a really nice ball park and it is a pretty easy drive down there!

The view from our seats!

Mommy and Alaina at the game (It was REALLY windy!) View of the fountains in the outfield
The park for the kids behind Center Field

Climbing up towards the slide
I can sit in my own seat (If you help hold it down)
The carousel behind Center Field - Daddy took me for a spin!

More pictures of the carouselA picture with Uncle Chad before the end of the game (the wind was blowing!)

About Me

My photo
Nebraska, United States
I live in Nebraska with my husband Teddy, daughter Alaina, son Nolan and boxer Duncan. I'm a full time mommy with a full time job and I wouldn't change a thing!