Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31 - Lainey's 9 Month Well-Child Check

See my two teeth?

I'm going to crawl away mom!

This is my nose!

Just showing off our flip-flop dress that we wore today. Alaina got a lot of compliments on it so I had to take some pictures. :o) Today was Alaina's 9 Month Well-Child check up. NO SHOTS at a 9 Month Appointment! Yae!! Alaina is doing great! Her ears look great and developmentally she appears to be right on track if not slightly ahead. Size wise, her weight is only in the 10th percentile but she is a healthy little baby only weighing in at 16 lbs 5 oz!
When we got home from the Dr Alaina took a little nap and then it was time to have some dinner. We got the go ahead for table food so she had a couple bites of pizza tonight!! (just the soft part of the crust and a little sauce and cheese.) She seemed to really like it!
After dinner Daddy and I took Alaina and Duncan for a walk in the park. It was a nice night although it looks like some rain is going to be moving in over night. Hopefully it is all gone by tomorrow so we can go for another walk and maybe swing a little!

July 30 - Just Cookin' in my Kitchen

Crawling from the sink to the fridge

I love my kitchen set!!

Not much happened today. Mommy and Daddy went to work and Alaina went to daycare. When we got home we all had some dinner. Alaina started eating some gerber graduates food this week. Nothing big, just gerbers idea of a nasty cheeto (where is all the powdered cheese?!?! Ha ha!) and these little cherry star things that melt in your mouth. Those aren't half bad. After dinner Lainey had a bath and we put her in her jammies. She wasn't quite ready for bed so she decided to cook Daddy and me up a little snack in her kitchen. I thought I would share some pics. :o) She is a pretty cute little chef!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

July 28 - Alaina's Surgery

Today was Alaina's surgery to put her tubes in. We had to be at the hospital at 5:30AM!! That is early in our house... They checked her in and took us back to her room. Once there we did some paperwork and they gave Alaina a little Demerol cocktail. They said it would take about a half an hour to kick in and we could take her down to the playroom until she got sleepy.
Alaina and Daddy in the hospital room
Alaina in the Playroom
We played down in the playroom with some toys for about 25 minutes and then we noticed that Alaina was no longer playing, just sitting on my lap and watching us play with her toys. We decided she might be getting sleepy so we took her back to the room. I snuggled her up in her blanket with her binky and she was out withing about 30 seconds.
The nurse and different Dr's came in and out to talk to us and they came to get her about 7:30. It was hard to hand her over!! They took her away and within about 12 minutes the Dr was back in the room letting us know everything went great. Alaina was in recovery about 15 minutes and then the nurse came walking in with her fully awake and happily playing with a toy they had given her to keep.

Alaina with Mommy after surgery

Alaina happy that the surgery is over (maybe still a little doped up...)

We took Alaina home and she slept about two and half hours and once she was awake she was her normal self. She wanted to get down and play and crawl around.

We are so happy everything went well and are hoping and praying that this will take care of our ear infection troubles!!

Catching Up

Wow! How time flies!! Our computer had to be sent back in again to get everything corrected. They found out that it wasn't just the hard drive that was bad but the motherboard as well. So of course, sending us back with a correct hard drive didn't fix the issue. Agh! Anyway, we got it all fixed and finally got our computer back but then it was the task of catching up on the blog and we were dealing with a lot of Dr Appointments for Alaina and time just got out of hand!!
So, now, it is time to catch up and try to get started again. I can't promise I will keep up everyday. While I take a million pictures, getting in any amount of time at all to sit down at the computer and type out a blog with a 9 month old is slim to none. Ha ha! She is so active now but we are really loving it!

May 23 - Alaina attended Marcus's graduation party (Aunt Ashley's boyfriend) and we all said CONGRATULATIONS MARCUS!!!

May 24 - We took pictures at Great Aunt Michelle's house in Great Grammy's baby buggy. They were beautiful!! Aunt Michelle even entered on into the fair! Good luck Aunt Michelle!

May 28 - Alaina turned seven months old!!

May 29 - Alaina's Dr Appointment at 3:30. We have ear infection in both ears, again, and the Dr prescribed Amoxicillen

June 4 - Our friend Dot came over for dinner and spent some time with Alaina because she is going to be watching her Saturday during the volleyball tournament.

June 6 - Volleyball tournament for mommy's work. Mommy and Daddy's team got 2nd place!! It was a loooooong day but Alaina was very good for Dot and they had a great time together!!

June 7 - Grandpa Norman and Grandma Jolene came out to visit. We went to Cabela's and went shopping and then had lunch at Red Robin! Yummy!

June 8 - 11 Daddy was in Colorado Springs. Alaina and Mommy went shopping on June 9 for Daddy's first fathers day. We picked out a Tungsten Carbide bracelet that is like his wedding ring!

June 12 - Alaina's Dr Appointment at 2:00. The left ear is still infected so the Dr prescribed Omnicef.

June 13 - We went to Grandpa Norman's family reunion at the lake! It was good to see some extended family that we don't see very often!

June 14 - Alaina went to church with Great Grandpa Wayne for Flag Day! She was sooo excited to see her cousins Aiden, Meghan and Calyn!!

June 15 - Daddy bought Alaina her first basketball hoop. We are in training for the WNBA!!

June 17 - Attended Daddy's softball game (Game #2)

June 21 - FATHERS DAY! Alaina gave daddy his bracelet and he LOVED it. Then we went to the zoo for the morning. Alaina loved looking at all the animals. She especially enjoyed the baby sea lion who was only a few weeks old!

June 23 & 24 - Alaina stayed home from daycare with high fevers. Mommy stayed home the first day and daddy stayed home the second.

June 25 - Alaina's Dr Appointment at 8:30 AM. The right ear is now infected again so the Dr prescribed Suprax. Suggested we check again in 14 days and then discuss seeing an ENT about getting tubes.

June 28 - Alaina turned eight months old and we bought her a baby pool to play with in our yard.

July 2 - Alaina got her first tooth!! Front, bottom, left!

July 3 - Alaina's first time swimming in Grammy and Papaw's pool! (Pictured with Aunt Ashley)

July 4 - Alaina's first 4th of July! We celebrated with dinner at Papaw and Grammy's house with lots of family and fireworks at Grandpa and Grandma's house. What a fun day!

June 5 - Grandma Jolene's family reunion. We got to see/meet more extended family!

July 6 - Alaina "army" crawled for the first time. Uh oh! We are on the move!! Alaina also played in her baby pool for the first time!

July 10 - Alaina's Dr Appointment at 9:30 AM. The right ear is still infected so we were referred to the ENT for tubes.

July 15 - Alaina's Dr Appointment with the ENT at 8:30 AM. We are definitely getting tubes. Alaina failed her hearing test in the right ear and there is still a lot of fluid built up. Got a shot in each leg of Rocephin to try and help clear it up.

Alaina also started "spitting" with her tongue today. Daddy thinks it is HILARIOUS!!

July 19 - Papaw and Uncle Chad's Birthday!!!

July 21 - Alaina taught the other babies at daycare around her age how to "spit" as well. Naughty Alaina!! ;o)

July 25 - Alaina sat up on her own for the first time while she was at home with Daddy for the evening.

July 26 - Alaina sat up for the first time for Mommy!! :o)

About Me

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Nebraska, United States
I live in Nebraska with my husband Teddy, daughter Alaina, son Nolan and boxer Duncan. I'm a full time mommy with a full time job and I wouldn't change a thing!